TACUHO 2022 Programming Sessions

Monday, October 10

Maximizing Your Community with Social Media & Marketing

ACB 102

This presentation is intended to provide insight to staff members on how to best capitalize on social media and marketing to impact the hall and campus-wide residential communities. We intend to cover varying topics: understanding your market, gaining followers, the balance of social media, beyond the basics of Canva, color theory, overall tips to maximize community with this medium, and more.

Hosted by: Jordan Cooper & Jessup Peterson

Session One | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Rolling Out The Big Orange Carpet

ACB 110

With a growing demand for intentional move-in experiences from universities, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville reimagined the campus move-in experience in partnership with the campus community. During the Spring of 2022, the departmental workgroup identified weakness, strategically searched for a variety of options to assist the move-in process, introduced an extensive volunteer program, and explored vendor partnerships to enhance the experience. Through assessment, benchmarking, and focus groups our workgroup identified key practices on how to continue the positive momentum created from the Fall 2022 Move-in Experience.

Hosted by: Thomas Boleyn & Megan Fox

Involvement and Support with TACUHO, TARH, and SEAHO

ACB 111

This program aims to provide attendees with the basic information about getting more involved with TARH, TACUHO, and SEAHO and will have time for open questions.

Hosted by: Mitchell Furtner, Sydney Giles & Gabrielle Whisenton

Collaborate, Don't Recreate

ACB 112

A crash course in residence hall collaboration to maximize impact over activity, focusing on working with other residence halls, departments, faculty, and off-campus partners.

Hosted by: Katherine McCann & Zachary Short

A Better Outlook on Outlook

ACB 110

Get a better outlook on Outlook by seeing some helpful ways you can use Office 365 to better organize your time and work.

Hosted by: Brent Liles

Session Two | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Getting to the Point with Desk Assistants!

ACB 111

This is program will be as a round table discussion to talk about Desk Assistants at each different institution to see how the desk are functioning and how they function differently.

Hosted by: Alyssia Easley & Steffon Jones

Show Me What You're Working With

ACB 112

Let's talk about what our departments and institutions are bringing to the table. Come interact with your fellow TACUHO members in an activity that will allow us to learn more about benefits, requirements, and policies across our institutions.

Hosted by: Stephanie Hill Skerlak

Tuesday, October 11

Who is Coming to Campus?: An In-depth Look at our 1st Year Cohort

ACB 110

Meant for anyone who works with first-year students and wants to understand the social impact of Gen Z! Through pictures and storytelling, we will discuss who our first year students are, what they've been through globally, and what they need for support. Come have fun and learn what Gen Z has to offer our campuses!

Hosted by: John Rowell

Session Three | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Why Your Cute Pop Culture References are Actually Problematic AF for Indigenous Students

ACB 111

Our words matter, but do we realize the effects words can have on Indigenous students? This session, utilizing qualitative and quantitative data from a variety of sources, aims to educate participants on how frequently and mindlessly microaggressions are committed, what we can do to recognize those microaggressions and put an end to them, and why it is important to do better for Indigenous students who are trying to call our campuses home. Let’s talk through the problems with vernacular and pop culture and work together to put an end to the subtle, and not so subtle, racism and colonization that Indigenous folks are feeling.

Hosted by: Stephanie Hill Skerlak

Advocating for Yourself and Others: Entry Level Benefits

ACB 112

This program aims to open a conversation for entry level professionals to discuss perks and benefits of the role, ways they get the most out of what they have, and any ways they have advocated for themselves and their colleagues that have been successful or unsuccessful.

Hosted by: Mitchell Furtner

Framing the Conversation about Physical Accessibility in Tennessee

ACB 110

An introductory conversation about physical accessibility on our campuses. This presentation would be for anyone who wants to gain a better understand of the accessibility laws of Tennessee, what our staff can be doing to support our students navigating our campuses, and start discussions centered around how we can best be allies.

Hosted by: John Rowell

Session Four | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Big, Large, and In Charge: Successful Operations of a Large Complex

ACB 111

This presentation discusses how to successfully operate a large residential complex from our experiences in managing two complexes with over 600 beds each. We will discuss creative solutions to staff selection, staff development, staff accountability, community development, facilities management, conduct management, and technology utilized to meet the expectations of successful complex operations. The attendee will learn how to effectively manage a large complex, how to delegate tasks to meet requirements of large complex management, and ways of utilizing technology to streamline processes and management. We believe the ways in which we manage our 600+ bed complexes can be implemented across any institution and complex, regardless of size.

Hosted by: Jessup Peterson & Jordan Cooper

Trauma: Big "T" vs Little "t"

ACB 112

Have you ever heard the phrase, death by a thousand cuts? Much of our experience in Housing and Residence Life is positive and fun but over the years the small things start to impact our bodies (physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.). This program is designed for open dialogue regarding the impact of the “mundane things of life” related to one’s career. It seeks to engage participants in a wholistic approach to navigating, not just the big traumas they experience, but the small stuff, through a series of open-ended questions.

Hosted by: Byron Uzzell